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How to add a blog via the Wix Owners App.

To use these instructions you would need to have downloaded the Wix Owners App on your smart phone (available for all Rooted Website clients).

1.Open Wix App on your phone.

2.Log In using your personal details.

3.Go to Dashboard.

4.Click Manage.

5.Click on Blog.

6.Click on Posts.

7.At bottom of page click + Create New Post.

8.Add a Title.

9.Start writing your post here. (Type or paste from a document).

10.Read through and edit.

11.Click Next (Top right).

12.Click Post Settings.

At top of screen you will notice tabs in a row. Select the tab you are wanting.

13.Under General tab.

  • Choose author by clicking the down arrow for options.

  • Add an excerpt (this is a great way to sum up what your blog is about)

  • Upload a cover image

  • If you have already written blogs on a similar topic, select Choose Posts and it will link blog being uploaded to similar blogs.

  • Always save (top right) before leaving the page to save your settings.

14.Under Categories tab.

  • Select existing category by clicking box (or boxes) next to topic.

  • To create a new category simply click Create Category at the bottom of your screen.

  • Always save (top right) before leaving the page to save your settings.

15. Under Tags tab.

  • Add tags as required.

  • Always save (top right) before leaving the page to save your settings.

Wix advises this about tags: "Tags are subsets of categories and are great for organizing your blog posts. Think of them as keywords that are used to help your readers filter through your blog posts. Each tag assigned to your post helps to narrow down your post topics and give your visitors an idea of what the post is about."

16. Under SEO (search engine optimisation) tab.

  • Wix will automatically insert these for you.

  • You are able to check and edit these as you prefer.

  • An example of a post URL is: ???

  • Always save (top right) before leaving the page to save your settings.

17. Under Subscriptions tab.

This is only valid for those who have set up a blog subscription for particular clients or paid content and will be covered in a separate tutorial. For any queries, please contact

18. Use back arrow (Top left) to go back to Create Post page. Click next.

19.A pop up will appear. Choose desired action as detailed below:

  • Preview post - allows you to preview and edit your blog.

  • Save as draft - come back to it later. You'll find this saved in your drafts folder.

  • Schedule post - allows you to schedule your post for a later date and time.

  • Save and publish - allows you to save and immediately publish your post on your website.

20. Invite & Share.

  • Click Copy Invite Link. This copies the link to your phone and you can paste it on any platform including your social media platforms or send the link to any of your contacts.

If you have any further questions check out this helpful article from Wix

or contact Rooted Websites.


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